
So.. here we are. A few months ago I had a blog that was mostly babble about all the stuff that was happening at the time, it had many followers who I adored, however when I was attempting to change perspective and turn my life around I deleted said blog, something I have come to regret, but I am back, with more experiences and a fresh perspective to offer. So here is to new beginnings!  
    My name is Morven, I suppose that much was already obvious. I am an aspiring anthropologist, I am extremely opinionated, stubborn and some would argue slightly cynical. I have been writing for as long as I can remember and am completely obsessed with learning new words. I am a lil chubby, blonde, very clumsy. I love to laugh and even though I can't sing I will do it at every opportunity. I hate being put on the spot, my starsign is Cancer (the crab is highly appropriate for my personality) I have this incessant need to always be right. I'm honest, sometimes brutally so. If procrastinating and avoiding responsilities was a sport I would have a gold medal by now, then again I would probably forget to go and pick it up. My friends are the most important thing in my world, after my dog Bramble of course. I am the mother of my group, ridiculously overprotective and would do anything to help no matter the circumstances. I like being alone, I love tumblr and could not function without coffee and eyeliner. 
      My favourite book is "The Great Gatsby" by the late, great F. Scott Fitzgerald. (if you haven't read it, do it. You will not regret it.) I seem to live my life quoting literature and like to baffle people with it, especially during an argument! 
      I do not have a favourite band or singer, I listen to artists from practically every genre and in no way consider myself a music snob. I saw Fall Out Boy live in October and it was the best night of my life but I still come home and listen to the incredible and emotionally testing Ron Pope. I listen to both Taylor Swift and Halsey, Eddi Vedder and Ed Sheeran, Mayday Parade and Randolph's leap . If I enjoy the lyrics, if they hit me in ways or even if they just make me want to get up and dance then I will listen to them. 
 The reason I mention these is because of how much music, books, films etc can shape people, reading my blog you will be able to determine exactly what mood I am in by what I have been listening to, yeah... good luck with that. 
    I doubt I will stick to any specific theme as I'm a disorganised and cluttered person at best, I will do my very best to stick to a certain flow and pattern though. 
  To be perfectly honest, that's all I can think off at this precise second, there will be more to come. Happy blogging! 
           Morven :)

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